Local Agriculture

Weed Dating

This video captures the first weed dating event in Idaho. It was organized by Casey O'Leary, owner of Earthly Delights Farm, as a social event with a practical purposed. Some weeding got done while eligible men and women got acquainted. Casey has held similar weed dating gatherings during subsequent years.


Grow This Plant - A Collection of Video Shorts on Seeds

The video was produced for Casey O'Leary and Snake River Seed Cooperative (snakeriverseeds.com), which is a collective of farmers, seed enthusiasts, and plant diversity advocates promoting local seed diversity and a more sustainable food system. They operate a seed producer’s cooperative as well as a seed library, and they love to teach classes to adults and children about seeds and how to protect and produce them.

Shot on October 6, 2014, at Casey's Earthly Delights Farm in Boise, ID, this series of 8 short videos informs the viewer about several varieties of seeds and the plants that they produce. Included are Blacktail Mountain Watermelon, Broadleaf Tobacco, Cold-Hardy Kale, Ground Cherry, Hopi Blue Corn, Idaho Potato Cucumber, and Uzbek Porcelain Garlic. Part of the fun is watching Casey tell about some of her favorite seeds and plants!